Shamanic Drums and Rattles

Customer – Feedback

Dear Erik & Susanne,
Good day to you.❤️
Guided by my drum, I went to the beach.
And here, every beat of the shaman drum sounded like a “symphony” with the heartbeat of the Mother Earth.
The feeling and the connection made me feel that “I’m home”. I think this is how my ancestors, a line of shamans will be teaching me through the drum, to feel it with my whole heart, to learn and grow step by step and to re-connect again with Mother Earth.
Best regards
Delala, Malaysia.

Dear Erik and Suzanne,

I’m writing to share my absolute delight in my Drum “Yggdrasil”. The love and care and spirit you have poured into the creation of this extraordinary shamanic drum is so tangible – I feel so blessed to have such a powerful and beautiful ally! There is no question that this frame drum was made for me. 

For many months, I had visited your website, looking for “my” shaman drum. Then, one night I was blessed with a vivid dream in which Odin took me to the foot of The World Tree, Yggdrasil, and showed me mysteries. The following morning, the first thing I saw when I sat down at my laptop and went to your site was the frame drum “Yggdrasil” – MY drum.

After purchasing it, I had no idea when it might arrive. One day I was called to walk down the hill to where our mailbox is located and our postman had my parcel! That I should sense my drum’s arrival suggests the strength of the connection we shared, even then.

How fitting that it arrived on the full Hunter’s Moon! As much as I wanted to open the box, I wanted even more to ‘birth’ the drum with the intent and ceremony it deserved, and held off until moon rise. 

I cleansed myself and donned my ceremonial coat and grounded and centered and prayed, then built a sacred fire. Inside the box, the drum was lovingly packed in a beautiful velvet bag, and within that, a heavy plastic bag, so really like coming forth from a womb still within the amniotic sac.

I recaned with the juniper you so kindly supplied and galdred the birth rune, Berkana, over the neck of the bag and opened it to draw the Sacred drum forth. Then I welcomed Yggdrasil with more sweet juniper smoke in hopes it would feel at home. I hailed it by name and presented it to the Directions and the Holy Powers, then sang a chant I was given to greet it. Its voice is deep and bell-like, with a long sustain, and my whole being resonates with it.

Once again, my heartfelt thanks for this amazing drum. As an Elder of the Northern Tradition Shamans’ Guild, I am most pleased to offer my endorsement of your sacred work.

Blessing and Best Wishes!

Susannah Ravenswing, North Carolina, USA

Struck by lightning

Dear Susanne and Erik,

As I have already written, my Shaman Drum came home on Monday and I was very pleased to meet with its spirit! And now, after I have done an initiation ceremony and presented the drum to the world, I can say a little more.

My Shaman Drum is called VEL (pronounced “well” as in well-known). Such it is called in the divine “Skandas,” invincible spear in the mythology – 
the spear that destroys our darkness, ignorance, and ego as well as brings light.
This is not my first shaman drum, but it’s the first to come to me in such a somewhat mysterious way and also immediately brought gifts with it.
I never thought about how this drum would look, which symbols or ideas it would carry!
The power that inspired me to bring it into this world, itself, showed how it should look and who would create it.
I just had to surrender to the process, not hurry, just wait. 
Of course I did not know in advance what this drum would bring me …

To make the long story short, I just want to say that on the day you, Susanne, finished making the handle of lightning-struck birch and Erik mounted the handle into the drum, and that the drum was thereby was declared as finally born … On that day I, myself, was hit by lightning.

It was a powerful thunderstorm on the day of May 28th. My colleagues from the Shamanic World told me that I have received initiation in this way, and now I have to be ready for changes in my body and consciousness. But I understood it myself, too. Like you, dear Susanne, hummed the song while you made this drum: “That’s how the Light gets in …” I perceive it as a blessing, and also as a permission and right to enter the world of shamanism and magic.

Luckily, when I was struck by lightning, I did not get any burns, just a few spots on my head and under my eyebrows that will soon disappear. But I still have some neurological and cardiovascular effects in my body (which is classical with that kind of trauma). Since that day, I only sleep for a couple of hours at night, as most of the time I experience the energy of the lightning in my body. Maybe these effects will disappear after a while, but at the moment I enjoy them.

Dear Susanne and Erik, I would like to thank you very much for your skilled work. And because you have a remarkable and rare ability to hear and listen to whispers and the signs of power. I would like to thank you for your creativity, diligence, for your careful attitude towards the process, and for love and attention to detail! Again it was a great pleasure and happiness for me to work with you!

Thank you, too, Susanne, for your detailed account of how the work with the drum went on. Every word in this account is poetic and carries a message, and it was important for me to hear it so that I could better understand the Drum’s spirit, nature, energies and messages.
Practically speaking, the Drum has a wonderful and warm sound – I could not imagine that a drum of relatively small size could be so powerful and full of sound. And it’s light, bright and fast like a peacock feather, which is very important in my work. And so the Drum creates an impression of Gentleness (Tenderness) … So the real creative force is not coarse but gentle, just like love.

Dear Susanne and Erik

Once again thank you for your work! Perhaps you have already been told, but I want to say it too: You are wonderful magicians and beautiful people, and your ideas, creativity and energy bring joy and beauty to the world. “That’s how the Light gets in …”

I know that when time comes, I will come back so we again can have the pleasure of bringing something beautiful and magical to the world together.

The most loving greetings from Dina

“With this drum on my side I am so incredibly thankful and ready to start my Trance Dance Ceremonies”
Phoenix Dance Events by Jessica Sánchez-Palencia


Dear Susanne & Eric
Last weekend we were, Claire-Lise & I, in a beautiful place, a lost abbey in the mountain.
We had an amazing moment, true and fair.
You were in a certain way with us because our drums played and have been part of the celebration.
We really enjoy each moment with Number 7 & the Whale, Thank you Thank you Thank you…

Claire-Lise and I send you our best friendly thoughts 
Take care 

Claire-Lise & ToMa – France

Hi Erik and Susanne, 

The precious drum and rattle has arrived:-) We are beyond happy with them. They are magical instruments you have created. The sound of the drum reverberating is phenomenal and more powerful than we imagined. The rattle is a beauty too.

Here are some photos from our ritual in a place called Cape Woolamai, Phillip Island. It’s one of our ‘power’ spots. Another spot in Australia  is the stream flowing down from Mount Warning in Northern New South Wales. So very beautiful to be in nature, connected to all the elements and to our ancestors, spirit guides and animal totems (with your drum and rattle too!).

Best wishes,

Drew and Kate – Australia.

Erik and Susanne! I have just received the drum just now and it is beautiful!! I love it and I love how compact and easier it is to carry. I will surely take care of her and will now proceed to the small ritual to welcome her into my home and practice.

You do works of art! Really. Bless you both!
Lee xx, Geneva, Switzerland

“In the autumn of 2011, I played “The Ambre Pearl from Mårhøj mound”.
43 times the storie was told inside the burial chamber of the largest single-chamber passage grave “Mårhøj passage grave” at Hindsholm on Funen. 
Here I had the great pleasure to be able to use a drum and assorted rattles which Erik and Suzanne had made for me. 
The ritual instruments helped me to feel a completely different time, The Stone Age, and through the show they bore the storie. They became right away part of me –  My beautiful telling tools. 
Anette Jahn, storyteller from measurement telling Theatre.

Shamanic Tools used in Theater for Children

Dear Susanne,
Yesterday Teo has turned one month and got his (and his mother’s) Rattle. Danijela’s first impressions: “It’s a magic”, Teo’s first impressions – complete silence 🙂
Maybe you should think of making the baby section in your work, there is much more crying babes then shamans around :))
For the millenniums rattles have been the part of babies lives, helping the parents and calming them, maybe it is a time to reinvent them.
Following my 9 months old granddaughter I’ve seen that industrial, fancy baby rattles, with lot of bright color and different sounds, don’t provoke any effect or more then 5 second interest. On the other hand, my modestly designed Sami Rattle has become her best friend. Last week or two I don’t even have to rattle to calm her down, she does it herself. It looks kind of unnatural to see a nine month baby rattling with the ritam, but she does. With some unique and strange, almost ritual, body movement while doing it. She remembers…
Anyway it seams that I’ll be shopping for the new Shamanic Rattle for myself, mine obviously isn’t mine any more.
All the best to You, Eric and your loved ones
Bruno, Croatia


When my shaman drum and shaman rattle arrived, I received them expertly packed and so in perfect condition. The feeling of opening the box and taking out the drum and rattle can only be compared to that of a child on their birthday.

The shamanic drum immediately speaks to you and as such my work has taken on a completely new direction. I feel honoured and privileged to be the owner of such beautiful and magical pieces. The Magical drum began revealing itself during the buying process, explaining its nature. The spirit of the drum told me that it is a physical manifestation of as above so below as within so without and wow. Oh wow. I now completely understand this message and am in magical awe. The White butterfly is the name of my drum but also the name given by the star beings to those that anchor their energy and project it outwardly. This information the spirit of my drum gave to me.
The shamanic rattle is the most beautiful piece of art and spirit you could possibly imagine. The spiritual energy infused into it is beautiful. My rattle ‘The Ancient Roots’ has a hand painted design of a tree with its branches above and its roots below. It complements my drum perfectly and is exactly what I needed.
Thank you very much Eric and Susanne. Not only are these pieces exquisite but the time that you both took in sending me helpful information and in answering my many questions has been greatly appreciated. I truly wish you all the best.
Joanne Cornwell

Dearest Susanne,… About my fan… what can I say? I had already falling in love with him by just looking at the picture you sent me, but being able to hold him in my hands is an incredible feeling. I really love it and thank you so much for this huge gift. 

May Great Spirit bless you always, 
Guenia, Mexico

Hi Susanne and Erik,

The drum is here. The way you carefully packed the drum in its box was very impressive and requires so much skill!
This drum is absolutely beautiful and the sound is mesmerizing…it echoes within itself. I am hearing other almost bell-like sounds, as you had described. I knew the drum was going to be great but I am shocked at its presence; it is very powerful and I feel the need to “feed” it somehow. Maybe it wants to tell me its name. I shall sit with the drum for a long while and see what comes. Thank you for such a wonderful companion and for your great service and kindness. I will be contacting you again…I think I will also need one of your rattles in the future. 🙂
Also, I love the beater, and the juniper incense! I will be buying more of that from you, as well. 🙂

Sending much gratitude to you both,
Stephanie – Oregon – USA

“I’m delighted with my smudgebowl, thank you very much shamantrommer !”
Ian Duffy (Dundalk, Ireland)

Erik and Susanne…
just wanted to let you know that my beautiful drum and drum stick have arrived this morning in perfect condition.
I once again want to express my deepest appreciation to both of you for all of the listening to spirit and energy you have put into not only this drum but undoubtedly all the drums and shamanic tools you make.  I feel priviledged and gifted in such a profound way to be able to carry forward the vibration of your land–the trees, the animals, and the people, into my land and to the many lands that this drum is asking to be taken. I will use the  juniper in a special ceremony to bless this drum into my home and into my being in the knowing that it shall always be also connected to you, as all of us are connected in spirit.
May the clarity and the sweetness and the rich vibration of “Bells in Tibet” find you always in good health and with many blessings.  Much Love…Tara,XXX. Canada

Hello Erik and Susanne,
Many months later … I am still in awe of my beautiful drum. When I use her I can see a face appearing in the drum, looking out at me, always in the same place. Also, I and many others that have been present when I have been drumming have heard the sound of singing above the sound of the drumming. I feel that this is the spirit of Freya. Words cannot describe how special this drum is to me and I am so grateful to both of you for creating such a beautiful and magical being.
Brightest blessings to you both, 
Mai  – Leicestershire in England, UK!

Dear Erik and Susanne,

The drum you sent me arrived yesterday, beautifully packed and in perfect condition. Just like Snakedancer Rattle, it is more perfect for me than I had imagined. I very much appreciated the Juniper smudge you included. I used it in a lovely ceremony to welcome the new drum home and to introduce her to my few special stones and Snakedancer rattle. I look forward to establishing a wonderful relationship with my new drum! – As I have had a lot of smudging to do lately, I can understand now how feather fans can be quite helpful (experience is a good teacher). I could also see how these might be useful to gently brush off any negativity or stress that might have been brought home after a difficult day. Is this a typical use for them? – Thank you so much for all your help, Erik and Susanne. I feel so fortunate to have received such beautiful instruments made with such care, attention and love.                                              

Wishing you all the best,
Kate, New York

Dear Erik and Susanne,
I received the rattle last Thursday.  Thank you so much for getting it to me so soon.  I love the rattle, it is beautiful and the sound is wonderful.
My teacher’s birthday is in the middle of October.  I am certain she will love using it during ceremonies.
Thank you again.
Blessings to you both,
Myrian, USA

Dear Susanne and Erik,
Airborne Eagle arrived this evening in perfect condition. It is profoundly beautiful. Every detail of it made with such love and intent. I just finished playing it for the first time.  Not until I stopped playing can I sense how different I feel. Deeply quiet, full, a resonant feeling from my lower left rib cage up to my head. I really don’t have words to describe my sensations.
THANK YOU!!!!!!!
Mark – Encinitas, CA

Hi Susanne  
Got the drum. Love it! It has even more “fire” color than in the picture – which I like. The tone is wonderful. I am very happy with the drum.  Thank you. 
Heidi Lang – San Diego , California 

The rattles came today! They are far more beautiful in hand than in pictures. The wood with each rattle has wonderful and distinct character. Thank you for creating these treasures and sending instructions for use and safe keeping. Thank you again for your fine craftsmanship.
Heidi,  San Diego – California 

Just wanted to say thank you for the drum I bought from you last year it was
the one called lagoon. I have been working with it and it really has become
a great friend.
You really make remarkable drums and once again thank you for creating these
beautiful tools to work with.
All the best for 2007
Robert, Wiltshire – England

Greetings, folks,
I wanted to let you know that my drum came in the mail just fine. It was just as I wanted it, clean and blank, no spirit in it yet. I decorated the drum with the Nine Worlds and many other sacred symbols, and called the spirit into it, and she woke up. Her name is Talu, which is old Anglo-Saxon for “story”, “tale”, “accounting”. She is a divinatory drum – one places a querent’s small object on the surface, strikes gently from underneath, and the object jumps to a symbol that is the right answer. She wanted bells and other decorations (I think she is a bit vain) so I carefully drilled tiny holes around the back edge, and hung various bells, clappers, bags of stones and herbs, and other amulets given to me by friends. Many folks donated to her decoration.

I’m attaching a photo of myself holding her so that you can see how she turned out. The other photo is of the back, and all the amulets. I want to thank you for making such a beautiful piece of craftsmanship, and I am glad that you folks are doing this sacred work.

Raven Kaldera Ma. USA.